Vision, Philosophy, and Mission

Contact your local Safari Kid to learn more about our programs!
Empowered children who are thriving in their ever-changing world due to the high-quality global, yet individualized, education they are receiving.
Safari Kid’s philosophy is inspired by the belief that a child is a natural researcher with unlimited curiosity and potential. With some guidance and nurturing, we believe this potential can be untapped through exploration, discovery, guided inquiry, and enthusiastic hands-on learning. Safari Kid’s teaching tools are a unique combination of proprietary methods that continue to grow organically through the varied experiences with our infinite pool of little learners. The one constant is that we teach, model, and encourage compassion for others. In an ever-shrinking global environment, we believe it is important to emphasize to our students that their similarities with others far outweigh the differences. We believe it is our duty to help each child feel they are entering the world as strong, capable, and confident global citizens, ready to collaborate, and ready for any challenge.
At Safari Kid, we aim to create carefully carved pathways to lifelong success for every child. Through a state-of-the-art environment and caring staff, we strive to ignite each child’s natural desire to learn. The ongoing training for our teachers focuses on empowerment, engagement, and enrichment. Our teachers are trained to tune in to the individuality of each child while nurturing them to blossom. They are skilled in encouraging and boosting inborn strengths but through this also fostering new growth. Our mission, our sincere commitment, is to cultivate human greatness, one child at a time.